Displays a dialog with information about the current Dynodex document. Click anywhere, or press any key, to close it.
Total Memory: The memory partition (RAM) allocated to Dynodex. The default is 640K, which is enough for about 1,000 records. To increase the memory allocated, quit Dynodex, click on the Dynodex application icon, and choose "Get Info" from the Apple Menu in the Finder. Select the memory allocated for Dynodex and type in a larger number. For example, if you increase to 1040K, you can fit about 2,000 records.
Available Memory: Amount of memory remaining and available for additional record processing.
No. of Records: The number of records stored in the current Dynodex document.
Available Records approx: Approximate number of additional records you may add to the current Dynodex document, given the available memory and the average size of your current records.
Last Saved/Modified: The date and time a "Save" or "Save As" was last performed on the current Dynodex document.
Last Printed: The date and time the current Dynodex document was last printed in address-page format.
Current Selection: If you have selected records, this describes the selection and tells you the number of records in the selection as a fraction of the total database. If no selection, it says "Show Every Record".
Credits: Click here to get contact information for Portfolio Systems and the names of the people who created Dynodex.